Local development of renewable energy
A dossier
2 analysis
- PAP 80: Oléron, landscapes in the background
- La résilience, une nouvelle ère pour le développement urbain ?
21 case studies
- Biovallée: transition at the service of economic development
- Energy Transition of Chefchaouen city
- A transition initiated by photovoltaics in the urban heart of Loos-en-Gohelle
- Citizen wind farm in the Crêtes Préardennaises
- Micro hydroelectric power stations in mountain streams
- Biomass of the bocage in the Léguer valley
- Biomass on Mount Beuvray
- The Régie Communale de Montdidier - Energy mix for the city in the heart of the agricultural plain
- Catalogue of remarkable citizen innovations 2020 : 1. Energy
- Andalusia, International leader in renewables
- Chhattisgarh - The forest for linking adaptation and mitigation
- Kaohsiung - Facilitating the energy self-sufficiency of industry
- Victoria - Putting stakeholders’ efforts at the heart of policies
- California - Results led by decarbonation of electricity
- Lombardy - A concentrated effort on energy efficiency
- Helsinki - Significant progress undermined by heating needs
- Izmir - Progress rewarded at regional level
- Nantes Métropole - The renewable heating network allows a drop in carbon intensity
- Le Grand-Figeac : en route vers une transition énergétique ambitieuse !
- Rwanda and small-scale hydraulics
- Local sustainability in Japan : Iida and Tokyo