The « Plan Climat Air Energy » of Grenoble has been updated following a participatory process.
November 2020
In 2005, Grenoble-Alpes Métropole was the first conurbation in France to adopt a Climate Plan. A decision that demonstrated its awareness of the climate risk and its pioneering willingness to act. Since then, the « Climate Plan » has become the « Climate Air Energy Plan ». Climate protection, improvement of air quality, energy transition… Three different themes, but three close struggles, whose causes are sometimes similar and require the updating of objectives thanks to complementary means of fight. With its Climate Air Energy Plan, the Grenoble Metropolis is mobilising the territory and its inhabitants to take up the challenge of climate change and air quality. Its « Climate Air Energy Plan » has been updated following a participatory process.

Areas of intervention
Grenoble-Alpes Métropole has opened a citizen participation consultation prior to the launch of the new Climate Air Energy Plan 2020-2030. After more than a year of participatory process, the updated plan was presented last February.
The Climate Air Energy Plan is an essential tool for the metropolitan government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. It sets out the guidelines defined at national and international level to set objectives for the territory, defining an action programme to achieve them and describing the methods for monitoring and evaluating the actions undertaken by the conurbation.
In 2005, Grenoble-Alpes Métropole was the first French conurbation to adopt a Climate Plan. Since then, the « Climate Plan » has become the « Climate Air Energy Plan » and has succeeded in reducing emissions and atmospheric pollutants (period 2005-2016) :
Greenhouse gases have decreased by 25%.
industrial sector (-43%), housing (-12%), offices (-6%) and transport (-7%)
-25% for fine particles (PM10 and PM2.5)
-49% for nitrogen dioxides (NO2)
-29% for « Volatile Organic Compounds » (VOCs)
However, almost the entire population is exposed to annual concentrations of fine particles in excess of WHO guidelines. The last update in force until February 2020 was for 2014-2018 (you can consult its results here).
In order to update the plan to its 2020-2030 edition, Grenoble-Alpes Métropole launched a public consultation in January 2019 until March 2019, which included different sections.
The first offered an online space for everyone to propose general or specific comments. In order to provide citizens with the context and appropriate information, the site included a Public Participation Notice and a summary document on the issues to be addressed in the participatory process. During this period, 52 proposals were submitted. You can consult them here.
Another section has been structured around the 6 axes of the 2014-2018 plan:
Planning the territory to consume less and adapt to climate change
Reduce the dependence of housing on fossil fuels by improving the thermal quality of housing.
Moving around more sparingly while preserving the quality of the air
Consume and produce locally while limiting the impact on the environment
Sober and clean urban services
Mobilising stakeholders to build the energy transition together
Platform users can make, approve and reject proposals in these categories. Here, 399 contributions were made and 2016 votes were cast by 290 participants. You can view all interactions here.
The third section asked citizens to describe the actions they are taking or would be willing to take to fight climate change.
The objectives of the « Air Energy Climate Plan » are as follows :
It sets out at the local level the guidelines for combating climate change defined at the national and international levels.
It sets objectives for the territory, particularly in terms of improving air quality, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and developing renewable energies. It defines a programme of action to achieve them.
It is a tool for mobilising the territory.
It defines the methods for monitoring and evaluating the actions undertaken by the Metropolis and all the players in the area (inhabitants, municipalities, economic players, associations, etc.).
In total, the platform received 502 contributions and 2980 votes from 381 participants. You can find here a document that gathers all the contributions of this consultation. On this basis, the public authorities drew up a preliminary version of the plan, and presented it online so that the public could make final comments. You can find the conclusions of this consultation here.
Finally, on 7 February 2020, the Metropolis ratified and published the Climate Air Energy Plan 2020-2030. The new plan structures the actions in 5 groups: the adaptation of the territory to climate change, the fight against air pollution and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the valorisation of our resources to reduce our carbon footprint and store CO2, the need for collective mobilisation, an exemplary city.
The new plan focuses on achieving the 2050 objectives in terms of climate neutrality (data compared to 2005 levels):
Greenhouse gases: - 50% reduction
Energy consumption: - 40%.
Air quality: to reach the World Health Organisation (WHO) thresholds for annual concentrations of fine particles, corresponding to a halving of the number of air quality-related deaths, and to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides by 70%, fine particles by 60% and volatile organic compounds by 52%.
Produce more Renewable and Recuperative Energy (RE&R) to reach 30% of final energy consumption.