The Kenyan Federation of Slum Dwellers International project in Kenya
Kambi Moto
Interview with Joseph MUTURI, edited by Bea VARNAI, November 2015
Kambi Moto is a project of the Kenyan Federation of Slum Dwellers International. It aims to ensure security of tenure and access to services for the residents of an informal settlement who, as a community, are rebuilding their homes in stages and in situ.
The project has involved 270 households and 142 units since 2003.
To download : 06-experience_kambi_moto-2.pdf (160 KiB)

urbaMonde, Alice Lathoud, November 2015
To go further
BOWLER Caitlin & DESROCHER Paul (2005), « Case Study : Huruma Slum upgrading project », Nairobi, Kenya.
Site du Shack / Slum Dwellers International (SDI), un réseau d’organisations communautaires de pauvres urbains dans 33 pays et des centaines de villes en Afrique, en Asie et en Amérique latine.
Site du projet Kambi Moto : Un cas unique de projet d’amélioration de l’habitat insitu