Centre-Val de Loire : Call for expressions of interest COP regional (AMI COP)
Regional participatory scheme on ecological transition
Régions de France publishes the first collection of participatory schemes undertaken by the Regions in favour of the ecological transition. After the publication of the green budget methodology and the survey on the Regions’ innovative actions for the ecological transition, this new collection illustrates how the Regions bring out projects by involving and associating stakeholders, especially citizens, so that they are the carriers and actors of change and thus make transitions a success. Here is an example from the Centre-Val de Loire region.
To download : cvl-appel-a-manifestation-dinteret-cop-regionale-ami-cop.pdf (250 KiB)

As part of the first COP Agreement of the Centre-Val de Loire Region, adopted at the session of 15 October 2020 and signed on 3 February 2021, the Centre-Val de Loire Region and the ADEME Centre-Val de Loire Regional Directorate have jointly undertaken, in accordance with the intervention frameworks specific to each partner, to initiate an annual scheme aimed at providing engineering and/or financial support for projects that are part of the COP and contribute to the energy-climate objectives of SRADDET. The dynamic initiated within the framework of the regional COP aims to massively increase the number of actions taken. To achieve this, it is necessary, in addition to the actions already undertaken, to increase the mobilisation of actors in the region and to remove the obstacles to taking action by developing, in particular, even more appropriate aid, and by facilitating the process for project leaders. Indeed, certain types of projects, or certain phases of project development, working towards the regional climate-energy and biodiversity objectives, remain unresolved today:
projects that are not yet mature,
innovative and/or complex projects in terms of partnerships, technology, methodology or ecology,
projects that are partially supported and for which certain phases (study, test, deployment) are not or insufficiently taken into account.
The aim is to respond to these needs by ensuring good coordination and complementarity with existing or planned funding schemes, as well as with European, national and regional recovery plans.

In order to meet the challenge and respond to the climate and social emergencies, the AMI aims more specifically to support actors who wish to develop projects that will allow
Reduce energy consumption,
Improve practices by substituting fossil fuels and polluting materials,
neutralise GHG emissions by protecting and developing carbon sinks,
Adapt the territory to climate change: reduce the territory’s vulnerability and adapt to climate change.
The stakeholders

Methods of implementation
The AMI is divided into three areas of intervention, aimed at various categories of project leaders depending on the maturity of the project:
Axis 1: Diagnosis / strategy
Axis 2: Acceleration / incubation
Axis 3: Investment
Projects selected under Axis 1 and 2 benefit from engineering support through a contract awarded by the Region. Projects in Axis 3 receive an investment grant of up to €50,000.
The AMI COP framework is co-constructed and co-financed by the Regional Council and the ADEME Centre-Val de Loire Region, which sign an aid agreement.
In view of the cross-cutting nature of the AMI’s objectives, the applications are analysed by the ADEME/Region technical committee. The opinions of the technical committee (ADEME-Region) are forwarded to the AMI Jury made up of members and elected officials of the Regional Council and ADEME Centre Val de Loire.