A gateway for sustainable regional development
July 2020
Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires (ANCT)
A footbridge over the Garonne symbolises the reunification of the two banks of the Garonne for the communes of Montréjeau and Gourdan-Polignan. But it’s much more than just a simple crossing: it’s a genuine cooperation project between elected representatives, local residents and energy transport operators, bringing together energy transition, soft mobility and the redevelopment of former industrial wasteland.
« The municipality has opted for a gentle form of tourism that combines economic development with environmental protection ».
Eric Miquel, Mayor of Montréjeau (Haute-Garonne), population 2,830

A link between the two areas
The footbridge links the towns of Montréjeau and Gourdan-Polignan, both in the Haute-Garonne region. The purpose of this 2.2-metre-wide, 60-metre-long footbridge is to facilitate pedestrian and cycle traffic between the two towns, providing a planning tool and a source of tourist and economic development. It will also enable two underground electricity links currently under construction to cross the Garonne.
The construction cost of €630,000 was borne 50% by RTE, 25% by the French government, and then equally by the département, the two communities of communes and the two communes. The aim of this footbridge is to adapt the electricity network to the arrival of renewable energies and to improve the qualitý of the electricity supply to the Garonne valley.
A project with multiple challenges
One of the first objectives is to link the two communes and develop soft mobilitý in the area with a footbridge accessible on foot and by bicycle. By linking the two communes, this footbridge will facilitate access to services and shops and boost the area’s vitality. Residents can now walk to the leisure centre or the secondary schools on the other side of the river. This footbridge will also enable electricity to be transported. Finally, the issue is also linked to safety: local residents, and particularly the youngest ones, used to use the unsafe SNCF tracks to cross the riverbank. This footbridge project is a perfect illustration of the town’s desire to develop soft tourism and retain its Green Resort label.
Key figures
70 metres of footbridge
630,000 euros worth of work
5 months’ work
2 underground 63,000 volt electrical links will cross this footbridge