Towards the revitalisation of the Tulle Agglomération employment area
Assisting and supporting players in the industrial and agri-food sectors
April 2021
Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires (ANCT)
In the Tulle employment area, aIn order to encourage an economic dynamic and to meet the expectations of economic players as closely as possible, innovative local solutions have been planned: housing solutions, third-party premises, intergenerational training and living facilities, studies (on the potential for an employers’ group, for example), actions to network and promote trades or sectors, and other actions are being developed on the basis of the Territorial Jobs and Skills Forward Planning (GPECT) approach. Consultation and experimentation are at the heart of the methodology deployed.

At the heart of the Corrèze in the New Aquitaine region, the Tulle Conurbation Community is made up of a central town, Tulle, and 42 other rural communes. This region of 45,000 inhabitants, which has been affected by a number of crises, has a number of assets, including its living environment, good accessibility and well-established industrial sites.
The project
Following the announcement of the closure of the Borg Warner car parts factory, the area’s leading industrial company and its economic lifeblood, the Tulle Conurbation Community asked the ANCT to help economic players revitalise the area.
To meet the needs of the community, on a site with significant potential covering an area of 15,000m2 on a 55,000m2 plot of land, the ANCT has made a twofold commitment:
Support for the revitalisation of the region’s industrial sectors, in particular the automotive/aircraft/mechanical subcontracting sector, which has been hard hit by the health crisis, but also, in a more proactive approach, the agri-food sector, which has more development prospects.
Support for the property sector, following the abandonment of the site by Borg Warner.
Our support
The ANCT financed a €166,000 study as part of the agency’s engineering contract, 100% of which was paid for as part of the Territoires d’Industrie programme’s rebound package. As part of the France 2030 plan, the Industrial Rebound scheme launched on 1 August 2022 aims to support around forty industrial territories facing changes in the transport sector, particularly in the automotive sector, between now and 2026.
Help consolidate existing industrial activities
Support the development projects of local industrial companies
Help maintain and/or create jobs
Work on the real-estate aspect of the Borg Warner building (development, reallocation, purchase by a company, etc.)