Living with Les Mureaux
Déniché pour vous 110 file
February 2022
Réseau des collectivités Territoriales pour une Economie Solidaire (RTES)
The « Déniché pour Vous » files have been developed by the RTES. They present local initiatives in France, their environment, their purpose and their development, with particular emphasis on the role of local authorities. Whether the initiatives focus on the energy transition, shared spaces, the circular economy, food, sustainable mobility, immigration or digital technology, these case studies offer an instructive immersion in the field of local social innovation.
Vivre les Mureaux is a territorial cluster for economic cooperation that grew out of an inclusive citizens’ initiative to transform Les Mureaux into a pilot town for full employment. The development of experiential and solidarity-based tourism is proposed as the main lever for creating activity and strengthening pride in the area. It aims to be duplicated and to serve as a benchmark for towns in transition and beyond.
To download : fiche_deniche_pour_vous_n_110_-_ptce_vivre_les_mureaux.pdf (300 KiB)
Origin and presentation of the initiative
Located less than 40 km from Paris in the Yvelines department, Les Mureaux is home to 100 nationalities and 32,000 inhabitants. The PTCE Vivre les Mureaux was set up in 2018 as a catalyst for local energy. It is a citizens’ initiative aimed at improving the quality of life of its residents, encouraging people to live together and making the most of everyone’s abilities. This initiative takes up the challenge of reversing the way people look at themselves, at others and at the city, by encouraging people to meet, take the initiative, become re-mobilised and be included professionally, economically and socially in a city in transition. The PTCE has chosen experiential tourism, solidarity and employment as its main levers for creating activity and strengthening pride in the area. Its ambition is to be duplicated and to serve as a benchmark for towns in transition and beyond.
The PTCE is organised around a « core team » of 7 people, supported by a 12-member board of directors, a steering committee, a 135-member mediation committee and an overall community of 1,800 people concerned by the issues and affected by the PTCE’s actions since 2018.

In 2021, this territorial leadership made it possible to respond to the Plan d’investissement dans les compétences (PIC) « 100% inclusion » programme and the « Quartiers Fertiles » call for projects from the Agence nationale pour la rénovation urbaine (ANRU). That same year, the PTCE entered the new wave of « Territoire Zéro Chômeur Longue Durée » (Zero Long-Term Unemployed Territory) as an emerging territory. Today, the PTCE Vivre les Mureaux is working on the emergence of a production school within the next one to two years.
The role of local authorities
As part of their membership, local authorities can vote at the annual general meeting. The Les Mureaux commune, the Yvelines département and the Ile-de-France region support this initiative. Les Mureaux does this in a number of ways: direct financial support, the loan of rooms for events, communication support, and an agreement to make land available for a Third-Party Urban Agriculture Centre.
The PTCE Vivre les Mureaux operates thanks to donations, but it is also largely financed by memberships from businesses, associations, residents and local authorities. Eventually, the PTCE aims to achieve a balance based on the following triptych: 1/3 subsidies, 1/3 services and 1/3 support from local businesses. In the meantime, the PTCE can count on private funding from companies and foundations.
Key figures in 3 years
More than 300 people helped into employment
60 project leaders helped to set up a business
a monthly meeting between local players and residents to exchange ideas and ideas
850 positive press articles about the town in the local and national press