The industrial sector: new players, new practices
Practical notebook no.16 : (Re)developing productive activities in metropolitan regions
Thierry Petit, November 2024
Strengthening and redeploying productive activities requires the emergence of new players, new methods and new tools, as well as the updating of existing tools and practices. Among the new uses, intensification of the occupation of productive land is at the top of the list in a Zero Net Artificialization trajectory. In terms of urban living, the question of reintroducing productive activities at the bottom of apartment blocks is being raised with the arrival of new players on the market. There is also a new craze for industrial and craft hotels, which is spreading throughout the Greater Paris metropolitan area. This is leading to innovative mixed-use developments, with housing being introduced into established business sites.
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Within business parks, under the impetus of the Climate and Resilience Act of 22 August 2021, the search for spaces to optimise is mobilising new initiatives in the regions. The difficulties associated with densification lie in the ability of stakeholders to retain the same surface areas for existing activities. One solution is to pool space.
Productive activities are constantly evolving, particularly under the impetus of start-ups. This renewal needs to be supported, including for more traditional businesses, so that they can evolve and move upmarket. The presence of derelict former industrial sites makes it possible to develop a mix of innovation, incubation and training facilities alongside business sites.
The development of an industrial culture, along with the ‘makers’ movement, is changing the face of local productive renewal. Over the last ten years or so, this movement has led to a strong development of new places, such as third places or fablabs. Metropolises are prime incubation sites for start-ups, which could be the giants of tomorrow. These start-ups have evolving and specific needs, which are only just beginning to be met with the arrival of new players such as Kickmaker.
The Collectif Startups Industrielles France aims to promote the development of emblematic locations, such as in Rotterdam, where genuine incubators help to anchor start-ups and support them in their industrialisation process by offering them residential solutions.