4 analysis
- PAP 77: More beautiful forest - the contribution of onf landscape architects to the post-oil forest
- Financing and qualifying nature-related projects in Priority Urban Neighbourhoods (QPV)
- A Better Understanding of Nature in Priority Urban Neighbourhoods (QPV)
- Developing intermodality in our region
9 case studies
- Libourne: redevelopment of school grounds
- PAP 73 - Les Monédières, landscape and regional project
- Regenerating the city’s priority neighbourhoods #4 : La Rabaterie - Tours Métropole Val De Loire
- Regenerating the city’s priority neighbourhoods #3 : La Luire-Viscose - Grenoble Alpes Métropole
- La « Cite du Parc » - Grand Paris Seine et Oise urban community
- Grand Centre - Agglomeration community of Pays De Grasse
- « Nature in priority neighbourhoods »: what participants have to say
- Saint-Cloud: redevelopment of school grounds
- Des efforts et des difficultés de coordination entre intervenants du développement local en Afrique de l’Ouest
2 proposals
- Sensibilizar a los responsables políticos urbanos sobre las cuestiones relacionadas con la naturaleza
- Raising awareness of nature-related issues among urban policy players
13 resources
- A massive effort to improve housing renovation
- France 2030 : Launch of a major aid scheme to support very large industrial decarbonisation projects
- Biodiversity and landscapes: European LIFE funding programme
- National programme : « Action cœur de ville »
- Incentives and accompanying measures to encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport
- Public funding for the energy transition in transport
- Major public policies for sustainable mobility
- ‘Nature in priority neighbourhoods’ What are we talking about?
- Nature and working-class neighbourhoods: new transitions at work
- Promoting the experience of nature in the city through citizen participation
- La medida del Fondo Verde «Renaturalización de ciudades y pueblos
- The ‘Renaturation of towns and villages’ Green Fund measure
- La mesure « Renaturation des villes et des villages » du « fonds vert »