Our partnership

Mutualisation of resources

We work and wish to work with associations and networks of professionals, training organisations, higher education institutions, associations and networks of elected representatives, citizen alliances and associations, research and consultancy firms, university and non-university research centres, foundations, companies, media, think tanks and do tanks ... and more generally, with all those who are active at the level of their territories and want to be actors in the transition towards sustainable societies.

Resource sharing agreements allow you to discover in our documentary fund, experience and analysis sheets from the work of :

The capitalization work carried out by some of our partners

Some of Citego’s contributors and partners have for their part a process of capitalizing on experience within their own network. This is the example of Energycities on territorial energy management policies or URBACT, a European exchange programme for sustainable urban development, which proceeds by thematic workshops bringing together a "club" of pilot cities and concluding with a synthesis. We welcome these contributions with great pleasure and hope that our partners will increasingly adopt this approach.


Dialog / Remote Training - MOOC

  • 2018 - Implementation of the MOOC ’Actors, levers, tools to lead the transitions of the food system’ in collaboration with Cap Rural, the Chaire Unesco Alimentations du Monde and IUFN, with the participation of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, on behalf of the CNFPT.


  • 2017 - Realization of the MOOC Complementary currencies: CNFPT-INSET with the participation of The Veblen Institute for Economic Reforms (Veblen)



  • 2015 - 2016 - Implementation of the MOOC Territorial Governance: CNFPT-INSET


Networks and resource sites


Our strategic and financial partners

CITEGO is supported by:

  • The Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH)
  • The French national centre for territorial public service (CNFPT)